Rhythm Focus Improv Nights : Sakamoto Hiromichi & Samm Bennett

Rhythm Focus Improv Night is a monthly concert series, started in January 2022, hosted by yours truly, Samm Bennett. As the name implies, the music on offer each month is free improvised, but with a focus on rhythm, on groove, on pulse, of one kind or another. Whatever aspect of rhythm the players want to explore. Each month I invite musicians from Tokyo’s rich creative music scene, with a special eye toward players who have a strong rhythmic personality.
Sakamoto Hiromichi is, well, a force of nature. No one, and I mean no one, plays the cello like Sakamoto-san. Aside from his mastery of what you’d call “traditional” ways of playing the instrument, he is likely, at a moment’s notice, to turn his cello upside down, sideways, and any old way you could imagine (as well as some you couldn’t). He might lay it on the floor and drop pencils on it, scrape it, spin it, slap it, and generally do just about anything short of setting it on fire. He has incredible energy and focus, he’s like some kind of musical tornado, and I’m very much looking forward to working with him in this duo format.
2022年3月26日@千駄木 BAR ISSHEE